Trailer for the horror film Tailgate

Trailer centers on Hans, his wife and two young children, who’ve hit the highway on a trip to visit family. After getting stuck behind a slow-moving van, he recklessly starts to antagonize the eerily stoic driver, blaring the horn and riding his bumper. Little does he realize that he’s just crossed the wrong motorist – a deranged madman who sets out to teach Hans a lesson he’ll not soon forget. Lured into an alarming game of vehicular cat and mouse, a simple family road trip turns into a deadly obstacle course in this nerve-wracking, pulse-pounding thriller, an Official Selection at the Sitges Film Festival and FrightFest.

Tailgate was written and directed by Lodewijk Crijns and stars Jeroen Spitzenberger, Anniek Pheifer, Roosmarijn van der Hoek, Liz Vergeer, Willem de Wolf, Truus te Selle, and Hubert Fermin.

Tailgate is set to premiere in the US in theaters, Virtual Cinema, VOD and Digital on July 30th, then on home video August 3rd, 2021.