Green Ghost and the Masters of the Stone was directed by Michael D. Olmos, and stars Danny Trejo, Sofia Pernas, Elpidia Carrillo, Dale Dye, Renee Victor, Michelle Lee, Pepe Serna, Kuno Becker, Jesse Garcia, Marko Zaror, Sal Lopez, Arnold Chon, Patricia Vonne, Enrique Castillo, and Tina Rodriguez.
The Film Fetish Flea Market
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- Categories: News
- Formats: Video
- Companies: Gravitas Ventures
- Genres: Action | Adventure | Comedy | Cult Cinema | Martial Arts
- People / Bands: Arnold Chon | Dale Dye | Danny Trejo | Elpidia Carrillo | Enrique Castillo | Jesse Garcia | Kuno Becker | Marko Zaror | Michael D. Olmos | Michelle Lee | Patricia Vonne | Pepe Serna | Renee Victor | Sal Lopez | Sofia Pernas | Tina Rodriguez
- Shows / Movies: Green Ghost and the Masters of the Stone
- Story Types: Video > Trailers