First trailer and poster for The Bourne Legacy hits the web

I would imagine this new trailer for The Bourne Legacy will play out on the big screen during this weekend’s release of Denzel Washington’s espionage film Safe House. But it’s already reached the web and you can watch it right here.

In The Bourne Legacy, the nar­ra­tive ar­chi­tect be­hind the Bourne film se­ries, Tony Gilroy, takes the helm. The writ­er/di­rec­tor ex­pands the Bourne uni­verse cre­at­ed by Robert Lud­lum with an orig­i­nal sto­ry that in­tro­duces a new hero (Jere­my Ren­ner) whose life-​or-​death stakes have been trig­gered by the events of the first three films. In The Bourne Lega­cy, Jeremy Ren­ner joins fel­low se­ries new­com­ers Rachel Weisz, Ed­ward Nor­ton, Sta­cy Keach and Os­car Isaac, while fran­chise vet­er­ans Al­bert Finney, Joan Allen, David Strathairn and Scott Glenn reprise their roles.

The Bourne Legacy hits theaters on August 3, 2012.

Check out The Bourne Legacy trailer, below.

And here’s another view, plus a teaser poster for The Bourne Legacy: