Sandy Collora, famous for producing the indie short Batman: Dead End, recently wrapped an original sci-fi feature film called Hunter Prey.
The new film centers on a group of elite intergalactic commandos that have crash-landed on a harsh planet while transporting an alien prisoner. Now they must track down and recapture the escaped creature, and bring it in alive. The soldiers begin to question their orders while finding themselves at a severe disadvantage, not being able to harm the prisoner. The team starts getting picked off by their dangerous adversary, until the odds become even.
Hunter Prey stars Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Clark Bartram, Damion Poitier and Simon Potter. The project was co-written by Nick Damon and directed by Collora.
Check out the Hunter Prey trailer below.
Check out the entire short film, Batman: Dead End, below.
Find out more about Hunter Prey at the film’s official website