According to Variety, DreamWorks has greenlit a sequel to Kung Fu Panda called Pandamonium, which is scheduled for release on June 3, 2011. Jack Black and Angelina Jolie have signed on to reprise their voice roles for the film, which will be directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson, who was head of story on Kung Fu Panda.
Pandamonium will also be released on IMAX theaters worldwide, on day-and-date of release. As with all DreamWorks Animation featuress starting in ’09, Pandamonium will be produced in 3-D.
The upcoming sequel follows Po, the world’s biggest kung fu fan, as he continues his journey as the chosen one who fulfills an ancient prophecy while mastering the art of kung fu. The original Kung Fu Panda will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on November 9, 2008, alongside an original companion story, Secrets of the Furious Five.
Below is the trailer for Kung Fu Panda.