Kubrick’s family seeks to have his Holocaust film The Aryan Papers finally made

Director Stanley Kubrick‘s family recently expressed a desire to see one of the director’s final in-development projects, The Aryan Papers, finally realized, according to the London paper The Times.

The movie was to be based on a novel by Louis Begley (writer of About Schmidt) titled Wartime Lies, about a fleeing Polish Jew named Tania and her nephew Maciek. There were plans to begin lensing the film in the early ’90s, but were shelved in the wake of Schindler’s List, with it’s Oscar success and subject similarities.

Jan Harlan, Kubrick’s brother-in-law and sometimes collaborator, told The Times that he believes now is the right moment to revisit Stanley’s original screenplay, and even suggested Ang Lee as a possible director.

Another undeveloped Kubrick film project, AI: Artifical Intelligence, was brought to the screen by Steven Spielberg in 2001.

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