Remember, this is America boys, just because you get more votes, doesn't mean you win.
By: David Duchovny
Characters: Fox Mulder
From: The X-Files
Genres: Cult Television | Mystery | Suspense | Television
David Duchovny, as FBI Agent Fox Mulder, is speaking to The Lone Gunmen, Richard "Ringo" Langly (Dean Haglund), Melvin Frohike (Tom Braidwood) and John Fitzgerald Byers (Bruce Harwood), during Season 8, Episode 16 of the X-Files, while they are investigating a mysterious death on the White House lawn. The man reportedly had information about an alien invasion of Earth and Mulder is seeking to find further evidence of colonization. The episode originally aired on Sunday, Apr 8, 2001.
Fear. It's the oldest tool of power. If you're distracted by the fear of those around you, it keeps you from seeing the actions of those above.
By: David Duchovny
Characters: Fox Mulder
From: The X-Files
Genres: Cult Television | Drama | Mystery | Science Fiction | Suspense | Television
Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) is speaking to Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) about their current case - a series of violent killings committed by seemingly normal residents of a small town. Mulder is pondering whether a rogue government agency may be responsible for purposely spreading a chemical in the area, causing the behavior as a means of controlling the population. This episode of The X-Files (Season 2, Episode 3) originally aired on September 30, 1994.
Don't you know where you live, Marty? Can't you smell the bananas? You know what country you live in? You live in Guatamala with color television.
By: Burt Reynolds
Characters: Lt. Phil Gaines
From: Hustle (1975)
Genres: Crime | Drama | Mystery
Burt Reynolds (as Lt. Phil Gaines) says to a father who's just shot and killed the man he believed was responsible for his daughter's death. Reynolds feels empathy for the father, a regular "Joe" who has killed a powerful and corrupt figure and could now be facing life in prison.
Eddie Albert: That girl's father, was he anybody?
Burt Reynolds: No Leo. He's just one of those middle-class Americans who thinks you can get 40,000 miles out of a new set of tires.
By: Burt Reynolds | Eddie Albert
Characters: Leo Sellers | Lt. Phil Gaines
From: Hustle (1975)
Genres: Crime | Drama | Mystery
Eddie Albert (as Leo Sellers) asks Burt Reynolds (as Lt. Phil Gaines) - who's investigating the suicide of a teenage girl that was involved in pornography - whether the victim's father was someone Albert should be worried about. Albert made a porn film with the girl prior to her death and may be a suspect in Reynolds' eyes.
Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.
By: Joe Mantell
Characters: Lawrence Walsh
From: Chinatown
Genres: Drama | Mystery | Thrillers
They call me Mister Tibbs!
By: Sidney Poitier
Characters: Virgil Tibbs
From: In the Heat of the Night
Genres: Crime | Drama | Mystery
We're not in a prophecy... We're in a stolen Toyota Corolla.
By: Will Smith
Characters: Daryl Ward
From: Bright
Genres: Action | Adventure | Crime | Fantasy | Mystery | Science Fiction
Will Smith (as Officer Daryl Ward) says to his partner Joel Edgerton (Officer Nick Jakoby) in a scene from the science fiction movie Bright, one of the first major science fiction films to be released exclusively to the streaming format.
The stuff that dreams are made of.
By: Humphrey Bogart
Characters: Sam Spade
From: The Maltese Falcon
Genres: Film Noir | Mystery
Soylent Green is people!
By: Charlton Heston
Characters: Det. Robert Thorn
From: Soylent Green
Genres: Crime | Mystery | Science Fiction
I see dead people.
By: Joel Osment
Characters: Cole Sear Haley
From: The Sixth Sense
Genres: Drama | Mystery | Thrillers
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
By: Kevin Spacey
Characters: Verbal Kint
From: The Usual Suspects
Genres: Crime | Drama | Mystery
A boy's best friend is his mother.
By: Anthony Perkins
Characters: Norman Bates
From: Psycho
Genres: Horror | Mystery | Thrillers
Come on, now. Don't be naive, Lieutenant. We both know how careers are made. Integrity is something you sell the public.
By: Robert Vaughn
Characters: Walter Chalmers
From: Bullitt
Genres: Action | Crime | Mystery
I do not choose to have people accuse me of false promises for the sake of cheap sensationalism, or to be compromised by your lieutenant.
By: Robert Vaughn
Characters: Walter Chalmers
From: Bullitt
Genres: Action | Crime | Mystery
You sell whatever you want, but don't sell it here tonight.
By: Steve McQueen
Characters: Frank Bullitt
From: Bullitt
Genres: Action | Crime | Cult Cinema | Mystery | Thrillers