Release dates picked for arthouse favorites Ang Lee, Coen Brothers, Sam Mendes, Jim Jarmusch and more 2009 features

Focus Features has set release dates for movies by some big names in pop-arthouse cinema, including The Coen Brothers, Ang Lee and Jim Jarmusch, along with a Tim Burton-produced animated fantasy simply titled 9, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Below are details I put together on Focus’ crop of features that will be gracing arthouse ….

Hilarious Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian trailer goes live

This trailer premiered Friday at a McDonald’s website called (hey, let producers the make their coin, alright), and it’s been slowly making it’s way around the net ever since. In the sequel to the comedy hit, Stiller is joined by several stars from the original film, as well as new characters from history, including ….