Win Terminator Salvation: The Game and a custom X-Box 360, plus pics of collectible tie-in items now available

This is sorta following up on a post featuring a burned out 7-Eleven, that will be used as part of a barren landscape in Terminator Salvation. Of course the chain wants to capitalize on being part of impending Armageddon, and has turned its stores totally Terminator, and have some limited edition Slurpee flavor Apocalyptic Ice, ….

Cuddly Terminator T-800 and Watchmen Rorschach and The Comedian toys?

Yet more Watchmen goods have popped up online. I found this unique line of toys while browsing rapper Common’s blog. He had posted images of the Terminator Salvation line that Medicom is releasing. For those of you who don’t know, Common is co-starring in the film as Barnes, one of John Connor’s closest allies. When ….

Terminator Salvation to be first movie of a new trilogy

Halcyon chiefs Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek are developing a fifth Terminator installment, according to Variety. Terminator Salvation director McG, is working with the company on the future project. The announcement was made at the Dubai International Film Festival, which began on December 11th and runs through this Thursday. There apparently hasn’t been a decision ….