In honor of the world’s most popular videogame superhero, Spider-Man, Marvel is celebrating the iconic figure’s birthday during this weekend’s New York Comic-Con. A long-time record holder, Spider-Man is currently featured in the latest Guinness World Records 2013 Edition and with the help of fans, will attempt to add a new record to the list. Marvel will host a larger-than-life size card for enthusiasts to sign and break the record for the “Most Contributions to a Greeting Card.” Fans can stop by the Marvel booth (#1838) during New York Comic-Con to add their own message to Spidey for his birthday.
All fans and visitors to the Marvel booth will be invited to wish Spider-Man a “Happy Birthday” and help him earn a place in Guinness World Records history. Michael Janela, an official adjudicator from Guinness World Records, is on hand to count and verify the results.