Visually stunning Snow White and the Hunts­man trailer

In the epic ac­tion-​ad­ven­ture Snow White and the Hunts­man, Twi­light’s Kris­ten Stew­art plays the on­ly per­son fair­er than the evil queen (played by Os­car-win­ner Char­l­ize Theron), therefore placing a target on her back. But what the wicked ruler nev­er imag­ined is that the young wom­an threat­en­ing her reign has been train­ing in the art of war with the hunts­man (Thor’s Chris Hemsworth) the queen had originally dis­patched to kill her. Sam Claflin (Pi­rates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides) joins the cast as the prince long en­chant­ed by Snow White’s beau­ty and pow­er. The breath­tak­ing new vi­sion of the leg­endary tale is from Al­ice in Won­der­land pro­duc­er Joe Roth, The Sixth Sense pro­duc­er Sam Mer­cer, and ac­claimed com­mer­cial di­rec­tor and state-​of-​the-​art vi­su­al­ist Ru­pert Sanders.

Check out the trailer below.