Currently Unavailable
- Cast: Ben Borowiecki | Daniel Radcliffe | Derek Deadman | Fiona Shaw | Geraldine Somerville | Harry Melling | Ian Hart | John Hurt | Maggie Smith | Richard Bremmer | Richard Griffiths | Richard Harris | Robbie Coltrane | Saunders Triplets | Verne Troyer | Warwick Davis
- Directors: Chris Columbus
- Contributor:
- Contributor:
- Contributor:
- Product Types: Business and Productivity | Memorabilia | Film and Cinema Memorabilia | Writing Tools
- Genres: Adventure | Book Based | Fantasy | Teenage
- Studios: Insight Editions | Warner Bros.
- Original Release Date: November 4, 2001
- Product Release Date: April 6, 2021
- Rating: pg
- More: Chris Columbus | Daniel Radcliffe | Harry Potter | John Hurt | Richard Harris
Celebrate your love of the HARRY POTTER and bring a bit of magic to your writing with this beautiful pen and mechanical pencil set, featuring the whimsical artwork of Diagon Alley.
Celebrate your love of the HARRY POTTER and bring a bit of magic to your writing with this beautiful pen and mechanical pencil set, featuring the unique and whimsical artwork from the acclaimed book Harry Potter: Exploring Diagon Alley, illustrated by Studio Muti.
Special Features
- Celebrate all eight Harry Potter films with this ballpoint pen and mechanical pencil set
- Featuring beautiful and fun full-color designs from the acclaimed book Harry Potter: Exploring Diagon Alley, illustrated by Studio Muti, this pencil pouch is perfect for all Harry Potter fans
- Whether you’re a student just watching Harry Potter for the first time or a seasoned fan rewatching the movies for the tenth time, this accessory pouch is great for all Harry Potter fans
- Size:2.5 x 1.2 x 6.88 in