Watch this Super Bowl Star Trek “Old School” trailer with Vince Vaughn as Dr. McCoy

J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek is just around the corner, and you may get a glimpse of the new film during the Super Bowl this weekend. However the Trek fans over at Sputnik Animation have pieced together a trailer for an imaginary Trek movie, that “real” fans want to see. Ain’t It Cool originally posted this ….

Groundbreaking 3D Monsters vs. Aliens spot to air during Super Bowl and 3D Chuck episode to follow

“Don’t Chuck Your Glasses” after Super Bowl XLIII DreamWorks and SoBe Lifewater announced that they are teaming with Intel and NBC to create a first-of-its kind, nationwide Monstrous 3D event for Super Bowl XLIII. This first-ever all 3D Super Bowl commercial break event will mark the debut of DreamWorks Animation’s premier 3D movie trailer for ….

Monsters vs. Aliens trailer

Monsters vs. Aliens follows the fall out from a meteorite hitting a young California girl named Susan Murphy, turning her into a giant monster. After being taken to a secret government compound she meets a ragtag group of monsters previously rounded up over the years. Under the guidance of General W.R. Monger, and on direct ….