New featurette released for hard-boiled thriller Drive

Film District has has released a new behind-the-scenes featurette for director Nicolas Winding Refn’s upcoming car thriller Drive, which stars Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Albert Brooks, Oscar Isaac, Christina Hendricks, Ron Perlman, Kaden Leos, Jeff Wolfe, James Biberi, Russ Tamblyn, Joe Bucaro III, Tiara Parker, Tim Trella, Jim Hart and Tina Huang.

Drive hits theaters this Friday, September 16, 2011, and stars Ryan Gosling as a Los An­ge­les wheel­man for hire, stunt driv­ing for movie pro­duc­tions by day and steer­ing get­away ve­hi­cles for armed heists by night. Though a lon­er by na­ture, Driv­er can’t help falling in love with his beau­ti­ful neigh­bor Irene (Carey Mul­li­gan), a vul­ner­a­ble young moth­er dragged in­to a dan­ger­ous un­der­world by the re­turn of her ex-​con­vict hus­band Stan­dard (Os­car Isaac). Af­ter a heist in­tend­ed to pay off Stan­dard’s pro­tec­tion mon­ey spins un­pre­dictably out of con­trol, Driv­er finds him­self driv­ing de­fense for the girl he loves, tail­gat­ed by a syn­di­cate of dead­ly se­ri­ous crim­i­nals (Al­bert Brooks and Ron Perl­man). But when he re­al­izes that the gang­sters are af­ter more than the bag of cash in his trunk—that they’re com­ing straight for Irene and her son—Driv­er is forced to shift gears and go on of­fense.

Check out the featurette below.