On May 26th, A&E Home Entertainment released a comprehensive, newly-repackaged edition of America At War, which features the causes and key battles of every major conflict the United States has been involved with since the American Revolution. To celebrate the new release, FilmFetish is getting two complete 14 DVD editions for readers to enjoy.
In order to be entered in the random drawing for your FREE copy of America At War, here’s what you need to do:
- As always, you need to be a member of, or sign-up for our eNews, if you’re not already. CLICK HERE to do that. It’s totally free.
- Reply to this post, and tell me the name of the best war film ever made – U.S. or foreign.
I’ll be running this contest through June 15th, 2009. Good luck!
More About America At War
The most comprehensive collection of U.S. war documentaries now has additional content, sleek packaging and a new low price.
From the first musket shots at Lexington and Concord to the precision-guided munitions employed in the fall of Baghdad, America’s history has been forged in the heat of battle. America At War presents forty documentaries from History charting U.S. military conflict over the course of two centuries. This comprehensive, newly-repackaged set explores the causes and key battles of the American Revolution, the Alamo, the Civil War, World War I and World War II, as well as the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq on 14 DVDs, now sporting additional content and a new, low SRP certain to appeal to fans of military history.
Featuring a trove of archival footage and documents and visits to critical battlefields, and interviews with historians, military authorities, engineers, war correspondents, and soldiers The chronological collection draws upon the expertise of noted historians, military authorities, engineers, war correspondents and soldiers to convey the personal side of conflict not often found in history books. A trove of archival footage and documents brings viewers closer than ever to the heated heart of combat.
Extras Include:
- Behind the Scenes Featurette: History in the Making: The Revolution
- Eyewitness in Iraq
- U.S. Weapons Against Iraq
- Hardcore History: Iraq War: Insurgency and Counterinsurgency