The trailer for Al Pacino’s upcoming thriller 88 Minutes has been released. The film focuses on a college professor (played by Pacino), who moonlights as a forensic psychiatrist for the FBI and receives a death threat by cel phone, claiming that he has only has 88 minutes to live. In order to save his own life, he must use his training to narrow down the possible suspects, including a disgruntled student, a jilted former lover, and a serial killer who is already on death row. Jon Avnet (Red Corner, Up Close & Personal) directed 88 Minutes, and it’s due in theaters this Fall.
Al Pacino is also rumored to be in the upcoming Ocean’s Thirteen, is in negotiations to reprise his role as Lt. Vincent Hanna for the Heat video game, due next year, and is in pre-production on a crime/ thriller called Rififi, about career thief, who finds his wife has left him, and in his anger begins to plan a daring jewelry store heist. Harold Becker is set to helm Rififi, which is also due in 07.
Next up for Avnet is the action/ thriller Second World, about an assassin trying to stop a virus from spreading by teaming up with her most recent potential target. Second World is due in 2007.
See the trailer for 88 Minutes RIGHT HERE