World Premiere of Ray Harryhausen Tribute The Primevals at Fantasia International Film Festival (2023) | World Premieres | Jul 23, 2023

The years-in-development World Premiere of David Allen’s The Primevals at the Fantasia International Film Festival will represent the genesis of a longtime dream by visual effects wizard David Allen, whose career stretched from 1970’s Equinox through Oscar-nominated work on Young Sherlock Holmes, Willow and much more. According to reports, The Primevals was originally conceived as ….

Cult sci-fi classics Carpenter’s Thing and Wachowski’s Matrix on big screen for one night

The Matrix was the last film that I went to see multiple times in theaters with no other reason than how badass it was. I’ve done it since, but only for social reasons, such as hanging out with friends. Someone really needs to do a documentary on that film’s affect on popular culture of the ….