from Taffin |

Stand very still my friend and I'll tell you just how fair I'm gonna be. There's two of us and... (Holds up gun) one of these.

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By: Pierce Brosnan
Characters: Mark Taffin
From: Taffin
Genres: Action | Thrillers

Taffin, after kidnapping and beating up a thug that's working for a shady developer, offers him a chance to escape by holding up his own rifle between them, implying the man might be able to grab the weapon and overpower Taffin.

from Taffin |

Alright. Alright I'll help. On one condition: when you turn against me - as you surely will - you remember, I am only your weapon.

view related:
By: Pierce Brosnan
Characters: Mark Taffin
From: Taffin
Genres: Action | Thrillers

Taffin, an Irish tough-guy debt collector, has been asked by his local community to help rid the town of shady developers bent on building a chemical plant on the outskirts of town. He reluctantly agrees with this warning.