Indie comic book publisher Rippaverse launches featurette on premiere title ISOM

Eric July, who goes by the MC name YG Rippa, has created an indie comic book company called Rippaverse and according to FoxNews, the first title has already brought in nearly $2 million in pre-orders in the first four days. Nearly 19,000 people have pre-ordered the title, called ISOM.

July’s company Rippaverse recently released a 4 minute featurette on the new comic, along with background on the namesake character, who real name is Avery Silman.

According to Eric July, ISOM #1 follows the story of Silman, a common rancher in Florepark, Texas, who “obtained some unique abilities” and spent a brief time acting as a hero under the moniker Isom. Things take a turn for Silman when he gets a call from his sister about an old friend who’s become one of the most feared men in the city. Silman goes to visit his childhood friend, ending up in a series of violent altercations as he is sucked back into the world of “excepts” or “special beings.”

July sees the 96-page ISOM comic as a launch pad for an entire comics universe that the author is developing. Pencil and ink work on the comic were crafted by Cliff Richards, with coloring by Gabe Eltaeb and letters by Eric Weathers.

Get more information ISOM at July’s website, or at his official comic company website