What Goes Up (formerly titled Safety Glass) is a film about a morally challenged New York reporter, Campbell Babbitt (Steve Coogan), who learns life lessons from a group of dysfunctional students (played by Hilary Duff, Josh Peck, Olivia Thirlby) while covering the hometown hoopla surrounding the first teacher in space. Set in the 1980s, this is a poignant look at how heroes are made in a world devoid of heroes.
Upon arriving in the small New Hampshire town, Babbitt decides to call an old college friend, only to discover an apparent suicide. Babbitt gravitates toward his friend’s high-school students in hopes of finding an unsung hero story about a teacher who made a permanent impact on the social misfits of the school. Instead, he discovers the least likely teachers — a group of dysfunctional students – outcasts led by a narcissistic seductress (Duff), a repressed voyeur (Peck), and a scheming pregnant teen (Thirlby). In a gradual reversal of roles, Babbitt soon finds himself learning from this unusual group of kids.
What Goes Up stars Steve Coogan (Tropic Thunder, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian) and Hilary Duff (A Cinderella Story), along with
Josh Peck (The Wackness), Olivia Thirlby (Juno, The Wackness), and Molly Shannon (TV’s Kath & Kim, Saturday Night Live). The film is directed by Jonathan Glatzer and co-written by Glatzer and Robert Lawson, produced by RD Robb, Glatzer, and Jack Nasser. James Hoke, Anthony Miranda, Joseph Nahas, and Coogan serve as executive producers.
What Goes Up opens in select theaters on May 29th, 2009.
Find out more about the film at its official website www.whatgoesup-themovie.com.