Paprika: Music From the Motion Picture – Enhanced Soundtrack
Wolfgang Petersen developing live-action version of the anime Paprika
Wolfgang Petersen (Troy, Air Force One, The Perfect Storm) developing a live-action feature film version of the book and anime film Paprika, according to Moviehole. According to the report, the director is hard at work to bring the acclaimed novel to the big screen. The original 1993 novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui, tells the story of ….
Ninja Scroll & Vampire Hunter D animators Madhouse to reveal Iron Man and Wolverine anime shows at Comic-Con ’09
Marvel Entertainment has teamed up with iconic Japanese animation studio Madhouse (who animated Paprika, Tokyo Godfathers, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, Trigun, Tokyo Godfathers, the list goes on… it’s just insane) to create four all new anime versions of classic Marvel Super Heroes. Get an exciting first glimpse of two of the planned four series ….