JJ Abrams and Stephen Spielberg team up for Super 8

HeatVisionBlog has posted details on JJ Abrams’ and Stephen Spielberg’s hush-hush collaboration project, tentatively titled Super 8, which they concocted a year ago from discussions of their own early filmmaking experiences. Apparently bits and pieces about the project began bubbling up last week. Abrams wrote and will direct the film this fall for a summer ….

Win one of two DVD/poster prize packs from the makers of Casino Jack and the United States of Money

Opening in theaters starting this Friday is Alex Gibney’s documentary Casino Jack and the United States of Money. To celebrate the release, FilmFetish is giving away two prize packs, each including a full-size poster signed by Alex Gibney, along with the acclaimed Magnolia DVD titles Man on Wire, Jesus Camp, and Food, Inc. PLEASE NOTE: ….

Win one of three copies of Wolverine and the X-Men: Revelation on DVD

Today, May 4th, Lionsgate Home Entertainment released the fifth volume of the hit animated series Wolverine and the X-Men on DVD, which contains five gripping episodes in a final countdown to the end of the world. To celebrate the release of Wolverine and the X-Men: Revelation, FilmFetish is giving away three copies of the hit ….

Win one of three copies of suspense thriller The Moment After 2: The Awakening on DVD

The apocalyptic suspense thriller Moment After 2: The Awakening debuted on DVD today, May 4th, from Sony Picture Home Entertainment. To celebrate the release, FilmFetish is giving away 3 copies to readers. PLEASE NOTE: To be considered to win this and all other contests, your eNews profile must be updated with your current mailing address, ….

Win Ghost in the Shell 2.0, Blood: The Last Vampire or Dante’s Inferno on Blu-ray disc

The site New York-Tokyo has received a great Blu-ray Disc collection, which includes the animated feature films Ghost in the Shell 2.0, Blood: The Last Vampire and Dante’s Inferno, all from Starz Media. They’re looking to share these ultimate high definition experiences with their readers. For all those who loved Mamoru Oshii’s legendary Ghost in ….