Win free tickets to the premiere of the vacation-gone-wrong crime thriller A Perfect Getaway
Rogue Pictures is giving away tickets to the premiere of David Twohy’s (Pitch Black, Below, The Arrival) new film A Perfect Getaway. BUT ACT FAST, since it’s tomorrow! Sorry, I just received the email notice. If you would like to attend, RSVP to with you and your guest’s names. Hurry up, as there are ….
Diesel teases next Riddick film in development
Vin Diesel briefly alluded to the third Riddick film’s state of development, while being interviewed by GameSpot about his upcoming console game The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: Maybe we’re too tight-lipped about the next Chronicles of Riddick film, and I think circa the release of [Dark Athena] that’s probably when you’ll start ….