Frank Miller’s 300 Trailer 1 (Not a Teaser or a Journal)

In 480 B.C., Spartan King Leonidas and his royal guard of 300 readied themselves for battle against the mightiest Persian army ever assembled. The Spartans were outnumbered one hundred thousand to one, but sometimes choosing where to fight makes all the difference in the world. This early trailer is surprising complete, convincing and kick-ass. It also reveals ….

More Rush Hour 3 Casting News (Including Yao Ming)

 Thats right, according to a story read on Worst Previews, Rush Hour 3’s cast will include basketball giant Yao Ming. Of course, the film again stars Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, who this time, track a villain to the City of Light… Paris. The story quoted director Brett Ratner as saying “In the first movie Jackie was a fish out of water (in L.A), then Chris ….