Warner Bros. to develop Howard Blum spy thriller Dark Invasion as film with Bradley Cooper

Warner Bros. has acquired Howard Blum’s upcoming book Dark Invasion and will develop it for Oscar-nominated actor Bradley Cooper, Deadline reports. The nonfiction thriller will be published by Crown on September 11, 2013, a significant date because of its content. Dark Invasion centers on what were considered the first attacks on U.S. soil since its ….

George Lucas | PopCultureQuotes.com

It’s a brilliant, brilliant film, and every time I see it I can't believe the magic mixture of a great story and great acting and humour and action and suspense — wonderful cinema. The art of moving pictures is on every frame of this movie.

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By: George Lucas

George Lucas said in a 2005 interview with The Telegraph, talking about Akira Kurosawa’s seminal epic Seven Samurai, which Lucas partially based the original Star Wars.

source: www.telegraph.co.uk,