Next starring Nicolas Cage, Jessica Biel and Julianne Moore film synopsis

“You’ve probably seen a lot of those shows – Mentalists, Magicians, Illusionists and wondered if they’re the real deal. Your skepticism tells you it’s just an act. That way, you can sleep at night. You’d be shocked to know that sometimes, not often, but sometimes, it is the real deal, masquerading as an act, hiding ….

Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel in ‘Next’ Philip K. Dick

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jessica Biel has signed on to co-star in Lee Tamahori’s sci-fi thriller Next. Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore are toplining the film, based on a Philip K. Dick short story titled The Golden Man. Gary Goldman wrote the screenplay about a man (played by Cage) with the unique ability to see future events and affect their outcome. Pursued by the FBI, which is ….