Small Town Monsters lifts the veil on Alaska’s long, dark history of Sasquatch lore with their investigative documentary On the Trail of Bigfoot: Land of the Missing. Director Seth Breedlove, along with a team of experts and adventurers, invites audiences to explore the last frontier through a darker lens than ever before. On the Trail of Bigfoot: Land of the Missing is the follow up to this year’s Last Frontier, picking up on threads established in that film.

Amongst Alaska’s beautiful epic vistas and seemingly endless acres of wilderness lurks a dark secret. The secret, known by locals and hearty adventurers alike, revolves around the nearly constant disappearances that take place across “the land of the midnight sun.” The disappearances seem to have often-mundane explanations. Avalanches, constantly-changing terrain, and local wildlife, are all common explanations for missing people.

Breedlove and his team explore another potential cause for those who have gone missing. A cause whispered about amongst the locals and talked about in the oral traditions of the First Nations people who inhabited the region long before white settlers arrived. They say the cause is a blood-thirsty Sasquatch. Or maybe it’s the ice giants said to inhabit the upper regions of the 49th state’s mountains. Perhaps it’s the “Devil monkeys” said to roam the lowlands. UFOs, phantom big cats, and more are often said to be responsible, as well.

Centuries of reports of hair-covered creatures roaming Alaska have been uncovered. Yet beyond the mysterious apelike animals that haunt the forests of the 49th state, there exist numerous legends of horrific beings that blur the line between Bigfoot and something else. Something with a far darker agenda. Now, eyewitnesses and experts alike recount stories that will chill you to your bone. Stories that tie Bigfoot-like creatures to tales of mountain giants, and missing persons.